DELLA Toyota of Plattsburgh

Toyota Savings near Burlington, VT

Della Deal

Save on a New or Used Toyota With The DELLA Deal

DELLA Toyota invites customers living near Burlington, VT, to drop by our dealership and experience and explore all that we have to offer. Along with our array of vehicles and our innovative service department, we offer a range of deals and incentives that ensure you get the best rates possible. Regardless of if you are in the market for a reliable Toyota or affordable auto maintenance and repairs, you are bound to find exactly what you need here.

Our selection of deals and incentives include lifetime free car washes, a pick-up and delivery service, complimentary service, and an unbeatable selection of vehicles. We will even pay for your ferry ride. As you can see, we do everything that we can to ensure that you are properly taken care of.

If you are on the market for either a new Toyota or a used vehicle, then you are in luck. We feature a diverse collection of makes and models that suit a range of lifestyle needs and budgets. Be it a hatchback, minivan, sedan, SUV, or truck, you can rest assured knowing that your search will not be in vain.

Before you come in, be sure to browse through our collection of specials and request a test drive. If you have any questions, we invite you to reach out to any of our sales representatives today. You can reach us online, by phone at (518) 563-4131, or by visiting us at our dealership near Burlington, VT.

Complimentary Service

Complimentary Service

Tire service & Oil changes on us for your first year after purchase

Lifetime Free Car Washes

Della free delivery

Get your car washed for free for life

We Buy Your Ferry Ride

Ferry Rides Payout

We'll buy your Ferry Ride

The DELLA Price

The DELLA Price

Hassle free pricing- upfront, fair, competitive, near above sticker - prices clearly displayed throughout the shopping journey

Unbeatable Selection

Della Groul Deal

11 brands + 35 years of experience. We are here to help get you exactly what you want

Save Big at DELLA Toyota

If you are ready to search for your next Toyota, head over to DELLA Toyota today. We are more than happy to assist with whatever auto needs that you have. Be sure to browse our online inventory before you come in. You can always count on us to provide you with the best deals and the best possible service. We look forward to assisting you.