DELLA Toyota of Plattsburgh

Jan 27, 2017

If you’ve experienced a winter in Plattsburgh, NY; Burlington, St. Albans, VT; Lake Placid, or Malone, NY, you know how difficult it is to keep your vehicle clean. Between road salt and dirty snow, it seems like your ride is always sporting a “winter coat” from December to March. Not only does winter debris look bad, it can cause serious damage to your vehicle. Road salt, dirt, snow, and moisture can cause rusting and deterioration on the exterior of your vehicle. If you want to keep your vehicle looking and feeling like new, DELLA Toyota in Plattsburgh has four tips below.

Winterize with Wax – Winterizing your vehicle may be as easy as adding a coat of wax to the exterior. This will add an extra layer of protection between your ride and the road junk.

You Missed a Spot  – Behind the front grille, quarter panels, and wheels are generally where road salt tends to collect, making it extra susceptible to rust. Pay special attention to these areas while cleaning your vehicle!

Wash It Down – It may seem counterintuitive to wash down your vehicle in the winter, but trust us, it’s worth it! Whether you choose to wash by hand, with a power washer, or at an automatic car wash, we recommend doing it as often as every other week. Be weary of the temperature, though. Avoid washing your vehicle if the temperature is below freezing. You’ll be driving around in a popsicle before you know it!

Switch It Up – The interior of your vehicle needs protection from winter conditions too. We recommend investing in some custom fitted rubber mats to protect your floors from the snow, salt, and mud your boots will undoubtedly drag into the cabin. If you’re looking to cut down your ice-scraping time in the morning (and who isn’t?), we suggest draining your windshield wiper fluid and replacing it with de-icing fluid.

If you have any questions, feel free to schedule an appointment or stop by our Service Department! We’ll be happy to help.

Woo, Kevin. “Why Washing Your Car in Winter Is Important.” YourMechanic Advice. N.p., 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 27 Jan. 2017. <>.