DELLA Toyota of Plattsburgh

Oct 13, 2016

Anyone who drives a New Toyota from DELLA Toyota in Plattsburgh already knows that they’re more than just a car – they’re your companion on the road. That’s because Toyota is constantly trying to find new ways to bridge the gap between humans and technology. Their most recent innovation is the Kirobo Mini, and no, it’s not a car. It’s a cuddly and cute robot that’s designed to be your “communication partner” while you’re driving.

So, how does it work? It’s pretty simple. You’ll be able to connect Kirobo to a smartphone app via Bluetooth®, and a built-in camera will turn on. From the camera, Kirobo will be able to detect your facial expressions and determine emotions. It can also use information from your vehicle or home to make conversation. Once you’ve used Kirobo multiple times, it will start to remember what you like and dislikes and your previous trips together. And to top it off, it’s so tiny, it can fit in the palm of your hand! So you’ll never have to worry about making room for your perfect travel buddy.

While it doesn’t look like this friendly robot is heading to the United States anytime soon, we’re excited to see how it goes over in Japan. Keep up with our blogs for more updates on Toyota innovation.

“Toyota to Launch Sales of ‘Kirobo Mini’ | Corporate.” Toyota to Launch Sales of ‘Kirobo Mini’ | Corporate. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016. <>.