DELLA Toyota of Plattsburgh

Sep 23, 2016


Seat belts and car safety seats are such a part of our daily lives that we often take them for granted. If you’re a parent you’ve probably been inundated at some point with information on what car seat to choose and which one is safest. But have you ever stopped to consider which vehicles might have the best setup for child safety seats? If you’re wondering which ones fall into that category, we can confidently tell you that the Toyota RAV4 is one of them.

Years of testing and research by Toyota have resulted in car seat mounts that are easy to access and use. has recently released its Car Seat Honor Roll and the 2016 Toyota RAV4 is one of only six models to be named “Top of the Class” out of 84 tested vehicles. Several certified child passenger safety technicians evaluated the models with an infant seat, convertible seat, and booster seat and the RAV4 earned a perfect score in each category.

“We’ve put a lot of effort into making installation of child safety seats easier, and we’re glad to see that it’s working,” said Jennifer Pelky, senior safety engineer at Toyota’s North American R&D Headquarters. “I have two young boys myself, and child passenger safety is of the utmost importance to me, both as a mother and an engineering professional that has an active role in LATCH development on Toyota vehicles.”

To test out this award-winning SUV visit DELLA Toyota in Plattsburgh today!

“RAV4 ‘Top of the Class’ for Car Seat Installation, According to | Toyota.” Toyota USA Newsroom. Toyota, 14 Sept. 2016. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.